Finally reading Vicious by V.E Schwab – Mini Review & new Books on my tbr

Hello and welcome back to my blog. It has been a few months since I’ve posted on here, but I am once again finding the motivation to post !

As you can guess, I have been in a huge reading slump these past few months. I honestly didn’t have the time nor the motivation to read. But, a few weeks ago my sister decided to gift me a few books, one of which was Vicious by V.E.Schwab, which has been on my tbr for way too long and so I decided to read the first chapter. After only one chapter I was hooked !! And so I got back into reading,-thanks to my sister and V.E.Schwab. I did say that I don’t read as many young adult books anymore, which is true – but they do help to get out of a reading slump.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

4.25 stars out of 5 stars

This book-from the very beginning- has this interesting theory of deliberately creating extraordinary people. Our two main characters both decide to become extraordinary. By simply, *almost* dying but not quite, paired with enough adrenaline and the will to live during the whole dying process- Eli and Victor both become extraordinary. Each one of them with their own special ability. But as things are in these books, nothing goes as planned and everything goes kind of – crazy. There is something truly dark about these two boys. Eli decides to play God with his new found power and starts killing all extraordinary people. Victor on the other hand wants to kill Eli, for various reasons. And so war starts.

There is something truly unsettling about the way this book is written. It’s dark, it’s heavy, it’s honestly psycho but it’s so so good. You are immediatly thrown into a world of extraordinary people where one of them goes rogue. The storyline jumps from present to past. With this alternating writing style and plot you only get pieces and chunks of information until you keep reading and reading to discover the whole picture. It’s extremely well written and more importantly capturing.

Eli and Victor are both interesting characters,- both turned themselves into extraordinary people. Both were not afraid of death, instead they welcomed it happily. Both aren’t good guys, they are not even morally grey. I mean, maybe Victor Vale is a tad bit morally grey,-but only a tad bit. In my personal opinion, these two are plain evil and definitely ethically ambiguous. You do root for Victor more than Eli, because he gives you the sense that he is the hero, saving all of the Extraordinary people from the wrath of Eli. But don’t be fooled. There are no heroes in this story.

Long story short: I absolutely loved this book. It mezmerised me from the start and the way V.E Schwab writes it will only make you love it more. There is no good and bad in this story. It’s all relative.

“Some could call themselves a hero and still walk around killing dozens. Someone else could be labelled a villain for trying to stop them.”


✨ Books on my tbr I want to read in November ✨ 

What’s on your tbr for November ?

9 thoughts on “Finally reading Vicious by V.E Schwab – Mini Review & new Books on my tbr

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  1. Pls stop writing intriguing reviews, there already are way too many books I want to read 🫠💕

    I don‘t have a tbr list for November. My only goal is finally finish reading and – what is actually the true problem – annotating Invisible Women 😮‍💨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like we will never catch up with our endless tbr ! 😮‍💨

      Annotating is a real struggle !! Tell me if you will actually be able to highlight one of your precious pages without crying 😂
      Also: I just put this book on my tbr ! It sounds super intriguing 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I had bought that book with the idea of annotating it in mind, so the first highlight was easy. Though, I immediately started overthinking and stopped for like a month before picking it up again.
        I think I will always carry the guilt of doing it with me 😭

        It‘s actually such a good book, so many great case studies!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I feel like you either naturally annotate your books or you don’t. But social media is kinda forcing us to love annotating xD
        I think I’ll dedicate a whole blog post for this topic 😂

        Sounds great !! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve had this book on my tbr list since 2016 and now thanks to your review I remember WHY I added it in the first place! It sounds like a great book full of characters with questionable actions and I’m all in for it! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

    Liked by 2 people


    although I also LOVE READING THEM SO will not complain too much 👀 yayyy to finding good books again and you being back again AND THE WORLD BECOMING PERFECT LIKE THAT. Have the best ever November AND BRING BACK BOOK REVIEWS FOR ME OK??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The way you raise my self-esteem every time you post or comment !! 🥺💜

      I’m working on being more consistent on here !! Thx for always supporting!
      Je t’apprécie 💜


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